What we like:
Very easy to use. For the first grade, it even gives you the complete dialog to have with your child. Just read out loud, allow your child to answer and voila, you're teaching math. There are very clear instructions on what materials you need for each lesson (most of which you can find in your own home, a few manipulatives you may want to purchase separately) You can go off script, of course, but if you don't know what to say, or feel uncomfortable teaching math, this is a very good curriculum for you. It was a great curriculum for me to get my feet wet.
What we don't like:
Saxon Math is VERY repetitive. Very. Very. Very repetitive. Get it? This is why I bought it. I thought my kids would benefit from repetition. However, it turns out they didn't. They rolled their eyes at having to answer the same questions in lesson 50 as they answered in lesson 1. That's not to say my kids are experts and know it all perfectly, but they got easily bored with the format and would stop answering all together. For a month, we fought, there were tears and we were not doing well. I finally gave myself permission to skip pages, skip dialogs, and once I saw they got the concept, we'd skip the practices and breeze onto the next part. Once I did this, the kids were much happier and so was I.
What are we doing now:
We did decide to change our curriculum away from Saxon, however, it's hard for me to just stop using the books we already have. All I see is dollar signs. I realize, in the bigger picture, it may be ok to just abandon the curriculum and go with the new one. But I can't quite go there. So, we are going through the rest of the books quickly, only concentrating on concepts that are new to us or need a little practice. Once we are done with the current books, or when I give myself permission to skip the rest (which ever comes first) we will begin using a form of Singapore math called "Math in Focus". I've talked to a lot of other homeschooling moms, Singapore is one of the curriculums I hear about most. We'll see if it's for us!