We are really trying to change the way we live. No longer racing through life, but really trying to enjoy the process and not getting caught up in the product. I will probably say this a lot for two reasons. One, I am continually realizing how wonderful the process can be and two, I falter sometimes and push for that product, forgetting that process is more important.
Time with family has been invaluable for us. We are lucky to live near cousins of similar ages. And when we get together, for whatever reason, we are able to take advantage of whatever comes our way.

Today, we we were together on a "school day" and it started to hail. I'm sure some classrooms ran to their windows and maybe some had a chance to touch the hail. But, in our "classroom, it was a guarantee to stop whatever we were doing and run out and play in the hail. Touch it. Gather it. Watch it melt. Taste it. Touch it. Make "Hail Angels".