Well, more the effect that butterflies had on us. My daughter received a gift certificate for butterfly larvae and it was finally warm enough to send for them. We had done this experiment before, when she was around 4 years old, which means my son was 1 at the time and has no memory of it.

In addition to watching the larvae grow into caterpillars, create their chrysalis (seen in the photo above), and finally emerge as a beautiful butterfly (painted lady, left), my daughter asked to study bees. It was a perfect unit to study at the same time. We read a lot about the bees' life cycles, body structures and importance to our livelihood.
Would you believe it? Just as we entered into these studies, I received an email asking if anyone would be interested in going to see a butterfly pavilion that would be soon closing its doors forever. Yes! We wanted to go. What a wonderful way to end our unit... or so we thought!
Just a few days later, we got a visit from this friend. It landed on the outside of a window, so we were able to see it up close, without getting too close.
And then, even a few days later, we found this fallen home with live larvae in it! We investigated and then disposed of it safely. While we are now honeybee fans, we are still not too happy with the wasps, hornets or yellow jackets.
Again, I am amazed as to what we see and find after a unit of study. It's been here all the time, but now we truly SEE it.
Saying goodbye to the butterflies was a difficult, sad time. It was good to have privacy for these moments.

However, one butterfly couldn't fly away, so we were able to have one stay with us until its end, which touched my daughter's heart deeply.