Physical and Nutritional Education
This year we have tried to be better about P.E. for the kids. Swim lessons, park play when it's nice out, hikes on the weekends, weekly meet-ups at the track... but it is a daunting task when it's so cozy inside with our books and computers.
Nutrition, although it seems easier to discuss anytime, anywhere, is almost harder to explain. I'm constantly clarifying that food that is baked and not fried still may not be healthy. Is "less bad for you" really "good for you?" I mean, organic doesn't always mean what we think it should mean. So, nutrition always seems to be a lot of consumer awareness education, and not just eat a well rounded meal!
So, it was great to be invited to this field trip to a gym, where a trainer gave us a tour of the gym, weight lifting lessons, and a healthy snack. The kids even got a label reading lesson! It's always great to get information that supports what we're telling the kids on a daily basis.