Kitty Participation
The family cat continues to be a source of laughter during the school day (a.k.a. a major distraction).
Today, we were playing our common "Parts of Speech" game. The kids write a crazy sentence on the board and we identify each word's job in the sentence and assign it a part of speech. We made cards to help us remember what the parts of speech are. The cards include pictures drawn by the kids, examples and definitions. If we stumble upon a word we can't easily identify, we being elimination our options. For example, if we know it's not a preposition, we move that card out of the way. Not an adverb? Move that card too.
And this is promptly when the family cat walks in and takes a seat in the newly vacated spot.
No distraction here!
This is a casual documentation of our experiences in our new adventure.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
I'm a Poet and I Didn't Even Know It
Poetry - Tea
An idea from The Writer's Jungle by The Brave Writer. My younger child does NOT like to read and reading out loud can be excruciating for all involved. However, introducing the Poetry Tea has been miraculous. Both kids ask to do it and both kids participate with eagerness and smiles. Yes, there is something sweet to drink (no one really wants tea). There are Jelly Bellys or brownies, or something else sweet to go along with the sugary drink. So, yes, I understand that the motivation might be consuming mass amounts of sugar, but this is a small price to pay to see both kids running to the table to read poetry of all kinds out loud.
We do have to make a lot of trips to the library, otherwise our poetry seems to be all Shel Silverstein!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
We're On Fire (not literally, this time)!
Burning For Knowledge

It was great that this field-trip tied into our discussions of stained glass and the historic period, Middle Ages, many of us are currently studying. Even better, learning about another business that is right here in our own community.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Science is Good
Until It Causes Nausea

We took another trip to Hatfield Science Center to take advantage of another Homeschool Day. The kids were excited and, as promised, the day turned out to be a lot of fun.
During our “Magnificent Marine Mammals” day, we learned a lot about sea otters and river otters. The kids learned how to tell the difference between to two different otters and how they live and eat. They learned about a special technology used to track seal lions and figure out why they almost vanished from our west coast. They even typed in an extremely long DNA code to figure out which whale meat they were seeing.

The day is long. The drive is long. But with friends also attending classes today, the kids had a lot of fun.
However, unbeknownst to us, Hatfield planned a necropsy of a river otter, special for us today. The kids watched part of it, but when the "skinner" began his work, many left to find other experiments to do. Some of us watched in a separate room, on a big screen, through laced fingers. In the end, it was fascinating, but also nauseating. I'm glad there are other people in the world interested in doing that kind of work, so I don't have to.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
The Glass is Full
Full of Experiences
I continue to love how what we do is connected to past experiences. Today, the kids created their own stained glass pieces. They drew inspiration and knowledge from previous days. During Gargoyle Day, they talked about rose windows and briefly discussed the usage of stained glass windows. When picking colors, the kids remembered the color wheel introduced on Color Day.

All that is left? Waiting for them to dry!
P.S. They're dry now!
P.S. They're dry now!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Crystal Clear
Clearly Having Fun
Today we had a few friends over to lend a helping hand to a traveling mama.

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