Can't wait for Halley's Comet?
Then make your own! As part of our first unit study, on the solar system, we learned about asteroids and comets. We decided to end the unit by making our own comets with dry ice, sand, and salt. It was a learning experience for me as well, seeing as I had never purchased dry ice before. The store clerk wasn't too enthusiastic in figuring out how to make 5 pounds out of the small pie
ces they had, so I took a 10 pound bag and we made the most of every ounce!
Hands on experience:
We invited the cousins (yes, my brother and sister-in-law are homsechooling their children too, lucky us!) to join us to help create the comet. Having only four children in our "class", allowed each one of them to really get hands on experience instead of just watching the experiment happen. And because we had so much ice, we were able to do the experiment more than one time, make a giant bubble with soap, and more.

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