Getting down with grammar:
I have been very concerned with my ability to teach language arts. I did ok in school, but it has never been my strongest subject. In fact, it was my weakest. So, how am I supposed to school my kids in this area? At my children's ages (currently 6 and 9), I think I can get by with some workbooks and making sure they read or are read to every day. But how far can I go on like this? How do I make sure that by the time they are college age, they are ready to write their thesis?
Take a step back:
I know, don't panic. But I can't help but worry about making sure they get all that they need in this area. I feel fortunate to have come across someone who's teaching a writing course for kids my daughter's age (9). There was an opening and we were able to jump in (a little late). The course very vigorous and I'm not sure how we're going to keep up with the time demands, but I'm finding it very helpful in many ways. Not only is my daughter getting exposed to thought processes, research methods, ideas and more, but I am able to talk with the parents of the other students at the end of class. This part has been a wonderful benefit as I hear what other parents are doing that work and what didn't work for them. I'm an introvert by nature, but am finding that I have missed talking to other parents on a daily basis (I used to do this at pick up time in the hallways.) I get to ask a lot of "newbie" questions and everyone seems more than willing to share their advice and experiences.
Here's my daughter giving her first presentation in the class.

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