My oldest was in public school for over 4 years. When I said we were going to learn about the skeleton, she heaved a heavy sigh, "Mom, I've studied that, like, three times already." I held my breath for a moment. What should I do? She may have learned about the body three times, but my son hasn't ever been exposed to muscles, the brain, the bones, etc. I am really trying to teach them at the same time as much as I can. They tend to pay attention better, have more excitement for new subjects, and I don't have to spend twice as much time teaching two kids separately. It's been a win-win situation for us to learn together.

Then we built a skeleton out of paper towel rolls, and other items. This art activity turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated. I wasn't able to give up the image I had in my mind (of the final product) and therefore, I did a lot of the work. The kids named the completed skeleton "Bob" and they have asked to keep him around for a while.
I hope, in the end, that my daughter learned something more this time around. Maybe, not just what the bones are called or where they are located, but also a little about science and nutrition. Either way, she seemed engaged the entire time which is a "win" in my book.
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