This is a casual documentation of our experiences in our new adventure.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Spelling Rules

It's not always all about spelling

I am not a strong speller. I definitely rejoice in all the current word processors, online dictionaries, Google searches, etc. that underline my misspellings with a red line or guess what I'm trying to spell. However, I see it as a giant crutch for my kids and their generation. Perhaps they will always have access to these spelling helpers, but just in case they want to hand write something (gasp!) or the apocalypse (yes, Blogger helped me spell that word with only one "p") happens and there're no more computers, I want them to have a foundation for spelling. They won't always spell a word correctly, but if I can help them learn most of the spelling rules, then hopefully they'll be in a position for successful spelling. And no, we don't have spelling tests. But when a word is misspelled, we review the rules we already know and break it down and figure it out.

We are using the All About Spelling program, which seems to be a great program thus far. We are a bit behind and only now beginning Level II. The best part of this program is using the white boards we bought at Costco for $20. The kids each have their own and love them. For some reason, it's more fun to write words on the board than with a pencil on paper. After lessons, the kids often draw pictures. In this case, they made a Super Tic-Tac-Toe board. You can see the "Xs" won one grid, the "Os" won another, and in one grid, there was a "Cat's Game".

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