Getting to Live Life
I keep coming back to the idea that homeschooling is a new way of life for our family. One that I could never have understood before entering it. One that I can't seem to explain to someone who strongly holds onto my old way of life.
I've said it before, and I feel like I say it at least once a week, that opportunities seem to have opened up to us now that we've made the switch to homeschooling. That different parts of our lives seem to entwine in ways they never did before. I feel like when big life events happen, because we homeschool, our family is able to process our emotions on our own time and in our own way.
This month of May has brought us together with love and loss. On May 19, 2014, the state of Oregon courts supported marriage equality. The kids and I were able to go downtown and witness, not only some of the first marriages under this new law, but also the supportive families, friends, and community. I'm not sure the kids were as impacted as I was, but they were there. They will remember.
Also in this month, our family pet of 16 years passed away. It was a very traumatic experience for us all. But I am grateful that we were able to go through it as a family. That there was no shame in our grief.
What does this all have to do with homeschooling? What do marriage equality and our cat dying have to do with the other? I don't know. It made sense when I started this post and now it seems like I'm forcing the connection. But what I do know is that when I signed-in at my chiropractor appointment, I noticed this saying written by an office worker. I swear they don't normally put quotes on their sign-in book. Or if they do, I only noticed today. And there. Bam. Kismet. Serendipity. Connection. A quote, just for me. Just for this month of May that was filled with love and loss.
Still, what does this all have to do with homeschooling? I just feel that all these big life happenings are happening more. Or that my eyes are open to what's happening around us more. Or... oh I don't know.
Just go hug your family and revel in love.
(written March 20, 2015)
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