This is a casual documentation of our experiences in our new adventure.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Yes, We Wear Pajamas

The Gravity of the Situation:
We completed our study of forces, with a big focus on gravity. At the end of this unit, we made a giant marble run using pipe insulation, plastic bottles, painting tape, and empty tubes from wrapping paper, toilet paper and paper towels. This was a fun project completed on the weekend so we could include dad (or more to the point, so I did not have to do it alone!) And yes, we often wear pajamas beyond breakfast (although, since this was the weekend, I think no one will judge us.)

Toilet Paper (is very important)
I'm finding that many of our art projects, experiments, etc. are a great use for empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls. We used to recycle them at the curb every week, but now, they are a hot commodity and we keep most of them "just in case".

Friday, October 28, 2011

Joining a Community

Pumpkin Pals:
For a few weeks now, my daughter (9) has been asking to join the local homeschooling community. She has been craving company (other than her brother) and misses her old school friends. While we try to have friends over, with fall schedules well under way, it's hard to find time after their school and extracurricular activities.

We chose the pumpkin patch for our first activity. It was the first year in a while without a school scheduled pumpkin farm field trip. The kids had a great time and we met a few families with children the same ages. We even re-met a family who had been to our same public school a few years ago!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Making the Fold

Visiting Teacher
I have read that many homsechooling families find a resource within their circle of friends. However, it can be intimidating to ask a friend for their time. Lucky for us, a friend of ours, who teaches Japanese at a local high school, offered to teach the kids Origami and share her secret (a great website, Origami Club, that has step by step instructions). What a great opportunity for our kids to work with a familiar adult who isn't mom or dad! The kids had a great time folding snakes, samurai hats, pianos and more. Next time, our friend promises to show them how to make sushi!