This is a casual documentation of our experiences in our new adventure.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Curiosity Filled the Hat

Curiosity killed that what?

I love watching my seven year old son explore the world of dominos. He sets up domino runs by himself during times when I need to work one-on-one with my older daughter. When he can't figure out what he wants to do, he jumps onto YouTube and finds a new idea. Then he walks to the living room and tries it out himself.

From the other room, we can hear him talking to himself as he sets the dominos up. We can also hear them crashing down, followed by loud sounds of frustration as he sets them back up, or by cheers and pitter patter of feet as he comes to tell us of his successes. These cycles of discovery can go on for a very long time.

I love that my son is able to delve into the world of dominos without worrying about the bell ringing, signifying the end of playtime and that he is allowed to leave them up for days at a time instead of having to clean up after 15 minutes. Perhaps he's missing out on learning how to share, take turns and from the creativity of others. But for now, he gets unlimited time to discover his own originality unhampered by others.

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