This is a casual documentation of our experiences in our new adventure.

Friday, March 1, 2013

I Miss the Hallways

No More Roaming the Hallways

I realized there was something I missed now that we were no longer part of the public school system. I loved walking the hallways just before pick-up and gazing at all the projects on display on the walls. Artwork, snipits of writings and other projects the kids, of all grades, had produced. I think I enjoyed seeing how all the students interpreted the assignment, how some were innocent and simple, others were deeper and thoughtful, while others were completely "not what the teacher" assigned. I loved seeing them all and I no longer got to see them.

So, I created Art a la Carte Gallery for homeschoolers. It's small for now, but I hope participation continues to grow. We assign one concept a month and kids (and their parents) are encouraged to participate in any are medium they desire (painting, poem, photography, sculpture and more). This commitment helps me to make sure we continue to look at different forms of art, tantalize our creative sides and are exposed to other ideas. It's been great to see all the creative pieces of works that are delivered. I look forward to more participants and more months of enjoying other people's works of art. 

Samples from the concept CHANGE:
A haiku from my son.

A poem my son did not want to write on his own. However, when I said I was going to write one, would he help me rhyme the sentences, he jumped in and helped me with great enthusiasm.

 A sample from the concept LIGHT:
A comic strip by my daughter

 A sample from the concept BEGINNINGS:
A poem by my daughter.

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